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Experiments in Dungeons & Dragons

Session Zero

Zidovia: City in the Shadow: Session Zero

Calling all Adventurers!

So far I’ve got one brave soul ready to embark on my little journey. Meet Nevan! It’s time to gather a few more PCs and set out some basic guidelines for the campaign.

If you’re interested, check out the info below. In general, these will not be in-person games but rather use things like Discord, and Zencastr to communicate.

Ideally sessions will take place once a week. Sunday evenings seem to work well, but there is some flexibility. As time gets closer we can decide on what is best.

Continue reading “Session Zero”

Prelude #1: Nevan the Bard

Zidovia: City in the Shadow: Prelude #1: Nevan the Bard

Character creation has begun!

As a first-time DM, I’m starting to get a little antsy. I’ve been tinkering with the main campaign for more than a month, and it’s time to get the ball rolling. Rather than just drop all of the PCs into the action at once, I’m going to attempt to construct a brief backstory for each of them to give them a reason for ending up in the same place and (hopefully) with a common goal.

This should also give me a chance to work on a little bit of casual DM-ing in a few one-on-one scenarios. For the longest time I thought a two-player version of Dungeons & Dragons wasn’t possible, but boy was I wrong. I really enjoy the mini-stories for getting characters in place and fleshing out their personality, motives, and playing style.

It also creates the opportunity to practice without just diving into the deep end.

My first victim is going to be Nevan, a half-elf bard and former spy. All I know at the moment is that things got ugly recently for Nevan and now he’s on the run. Apparently he’s acquired some intel that could Continue reading “Prelude #1: Nevan the Bard”

What The Heck Am I Doing?

So, it seems as though I’ve fallen head-first into the world of Dungeons & Dragons. This site will be an attempt to document my experiences as a rookie DM. I’ll do my best to share resources, show how I set up stories, and give a recap of what actually goes down in-game.

My first campaign is entitled, “Zidovia: City in the Shadow”. I guess it’s what you’d call a homebrew adventure consisting of mostly original content and little actual connection to any formal D&D lore.

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